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Desarrollador EVTM

EVTM is a developing global cooperation
As endovascular methods develop, they can be incorporated into initial trauma care. Endovascular and hybrid trauma and bleeding management (EVTM) is a new and rapidly evolving concept within medical healthcare and endovascular resuscitation. It involves adopting an early multidisciplinary approach for the evaluation and management of hemodynamically unstable trauma patients. By combining the expertise present and using both open surgery and endovascular methods (hybrid) to control massive bleeding, it allows for optimal treatment. A new suggested algorithm of “AABCDE” has emerged for EVTM enabled providers, indicating the importance of gaining early vascular Access to the femoral artery (and vein). This access provides the possibility to use potentially lifesaving endovascular diagnostic and therapeutic tools for temporary management and bridge to definitive endovascular or open surgical treatment, in addition to arterial blood sampling and invasive blood pressure monitoring. Some of these methods have been in use for many years, while some have been developed over the last 15-20 years. We believe that EVTM is here to stay, and should be applied in all severe trauma cases, even in the prehospital environment or battlefield.